You’ve Heard of This Thing Called “Personal or Life Coaching”?
I have been a life coach now for about two years and a retirement coach for about five months.
My point of view about coaching has changed dramatically during this time.
I didn’t know what coaching was at first. The word was both a form of transportation and someone who taught specific skills: football, acting, math, music, etc.
But what I was learning was like a philosophy: the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. (Oxford Dictionaries Lexico)
At 64 years old, I stumbled unknowingly onto a path towards understanding humanity, my own and others.
Funny how we can live our entire lives so unaware.
As I reached out to learn more (through this amorphous portal called the internet) my path widened.
My mind opened up. I started to see possibilities, connections, adventures I never knew existed.
Of course, they were always there, I just hadn’t seen them. My mind was completely focused on the mundane.
When I retired, I allowed myself the incredible gift of exploration. I allowed my curiosity and quest for knowledge and understanding to take me beyond myself.
Coaching was my path. A narrow one at first but it expands every day.
Coaching may be an uncomfortable or strange idea, but it is a powerful one.